ABC • D • E • F • GH • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • RS • T • U • VW • X • Y • Z


Alavi, Bettina

  • Alavi, B. (1998). Geschichtsunterricht in der multiethnischen Gesellschaft. Eine fachdidaktische Studie zur Modifikation des Geschichtsunterrichts aufgrund migrationsbedingter Veränderungen. Frankfurt/M.: Verlag für interkulturelle Kommunikation.
  • Alavi, B. (2004). Das Verhältnis von Disziplinarität und Interdisziplinarität in Fächerverbünden der Hauptschule am Beispiel Geschichte. In S. Handro, B. Schönemann (Ed.), Geschichtsdidaktische Lehrplanforschung (pp. 137-149). Münster: LIT.
  • Alavi, B. (2003). Migration und historisch-politische Bildung. In A. Eder (Ed.), "Wir sind auch da!" Über das Leben von und mit Migranten in europäischen Großstädten (pp. 351-373). Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz. Alavi, B. (2009) Geschichte des Holocaust im multikulturellen Klassenzimmer. Probleme der Vermittlung. In Newsletter Lernen aus der Geschichte, 24.09.2009. www.lernen-aus-der-geschichte.de
  • Alavi, B. (Ed.) (2010). Historisches Lernen im virtuellen Medium. Heidelberg: Mattes.

Antas, Mário

  • Antas, M., J., Pavia, F., Martins da Cruz, M. M., Caldeira, P. Z. & Mata Justo, J. M. (2007). Inclusão e integração da segunda geração de imigrantes dos PALOP. A perspectiva do sucesso educativo e Profissional. Porto: Fundação da Juventude. (It is a book about Inclusion and integration of the second generation of immigrants from the Portuguese former colonies, focusing on the educational and professional achievement of these students.)
  • Antas, M. (2004). A didáctica da História e o ensino da História in Revista Lusíada. In Série História, Lisboa, 2º série, nº 1, pp. 181-192. (on history didactics and history teaching)
  • Antas, M. (1999). Clubes de Arqueologia nas escolas Portuguesas in Arqueólogo Português. In Série IV, número 17, pp. 215-223. (on archaeological clubs in Portuguese schools)
  • Antas, M. (in printing). A didáctica da História e as novas tecnologias in Actas do I Congresso Científico de Professores on A Arte de Educar e a Educação pela Ciência (in printing) (on history didactics and ITT) Børhaug, Kjetil Børhaug, K. (2005). Voter Education. The Political Education of Norwegian Lower Secondary Schools. In Utbildning och Demokrati. Vol 14, no 3, pp. 51-73.


Børhaug, Kjetil

  • Børhaug, K. (2005). Voter Education. The Political Education of Norwegian Lower Secondary Schools. In Utbildning och Demokrati. Vol 14, no3, pp. 51.73.
  • Børhaug, K. (2006). Mission Impossible? School Level Student Democracy. In Citizenship, Social and Economics Education. Vol 7, no 1, pp. 26-41.
  • Børhaug, K. (2008). Educating Voters. Political Education in Norwegian Upper Secondary Schools. In Journal of Curriculum Studies. Vol 40, no 5. pp. 579-600.
  • Børhaug, K. (2005). Norwegian Politics. In E. Maagerø & B. Simonsen (Ed.), Norway. Society and Culture. 2 utg. Kristiansand: Portal Forlag.
  • Børhaug, K. (2005). Norway in a Global Context. In E. Maagerø & B. Simonsen (Ed.), Norway. Society and Culture. 2 utg. Kristiansand: Portal Forlag.
  • Børhaug, K. (forthcoming). Norwegian Civic Education - Beyond Formalism? Forthcoming in Journal of Social Science Education.
  • Børhaug, K. (forthcoming). Making sense of political participation. A qualitative study of Norwegian adolescents. Forthcoming in Politics, Culture and Socialisation.


Cajani, Luigi

  • Cajani, L. (2006). "I bimbi d'Italia con tutti Balilla". Die Kinder Italiens sind alle Balilla. Politische Erziehung in den Fibeln des faschistischen Italiens. In G. Teistler (Ed.), Lesen Lernen in Diktaturen der 1930er und 1940er Jahre. Fibeln in Deutschland, Italien und Spanien (pp. 191-215). Hannover: Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung (= Studien zur internationalen Schulbuchforschung, Schriftenreihe des Georg-Eckert-Instituts, Band 116.
  • Cajani, L. (2008). La storia mondiale e la scuola italiana. Cronaca della Commissione De Mauro. In A. Brusa & L. Cajani (Ed.), La storia è di tutti (pp. 248-285). Roma: Carocci.
  • Cajani, L. (2008). Insegnamento della storia e costruzione dell'identità europea. In M. Mombelli Castracane & L. Cajani (Ed.), L'Europa dell'identità e della trasparenza (pp. 108-136). Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino.
  • Cajani, L. (2008). L'histoire, les lois, les mémoires. Sur quelques conflits récents en Europe. Iin Revue française de Pédagogie, n. 165, pp. 65-78.


Ecker, Alois

  • Ecker, A. (Ed.) (2003). Initial training for history teachers: Structures and standards in 13 member states of the Council of Europe. Project 'Learning and teaching the history of Europe in the 20th century', Strassbourg Cedex, Council of Europe.

Erhan, Cagri

  • Erhan, C. (2004). Turkish American Relations: Past, Present and Future. London, Routledge.
  • Erhan, C. (2003). Turkish-Israeli Relations in Historical Perspective. London, Frank Cass.
  • Erhan, C. (2001). Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Tarihsel Kökenleri. Ankara, Imge. (Historical Roots of Turkish-American Relations)
  • Erhan, C. (2007). Avrupa Birliği Temel Konular European Union: The Essentials- Ankara, Imaj.
  • Erhan, C. (2008). Avrupa Birliği Politikaları European Union Policies, Ankara, Imaj.


Goegebeur, Werner

  • Goegebeur, W. & Van Looy, L. (2001). 'Seeing the Other' and the Historical Attitude of Flemish Adolescents. Perception of the Present, Questioning the Past, Formulating Perspectives: A Number of Research Findings, Comparare, Comparative European History Review, september, pp. 105-124.
  • Goegebeur, W. & Van Looy, L. (2009). Compétences en histoire et compétences transversales dans l'enseignement de la Communauté flamande de Belgique: quelle priorité? Curriculums en mouvement. Colloque international des didactiques de l'histoire, de la géographie et de l'éducation à la citoyenneté. Lausanne , 23-24 nov. 2009; CD-ROM: p. 9.
  • Goegebeur, W., Vielfont, P. & Van Looy, L. (2008). Subject Didactics in History Education and the Need for Effective Classroom Observation Protocols. Brussels: Proceedings of the 33rd ATEE Conference, p. 10.
  • Goegebeur, W., Vielfont, P. & Van Looy, L. (2008). Historical competence: 'catch-as-catch-can'? Research into the optimization of the didactics for the development of historical competence in 'professional bachelors in history teaching'. Paper presented at the International History Didactics Society Conference, Tutzing, September 8th - 10th 2008, p. 15 (www.int-soc-hist-didact.org).


  • Georg-Eckert-Institut (Ed.) (2009). Grenzgänger. Aufsätze von Falk Pingel, Göttingen: V&R unipress.


Homerová, Marie

  • Homerová, M. (1995). Translation and adaptation of the American textbook by M. Stern "The Holocaust and Human Behavior", for Czech secondary schools, Prague.
  • Homerová, M. (Co-author) (1997). Social Studies Textbook for Czech secondary schools "Education to Citizenship", Prague.
  • Homerová, M. (2001). Initial Teachers´ Training in the Czech Republic, Council of Europe.
  • Homerová, M. (2008). Deadly Conspiracy Myths. In: Comparative Civilizations Study, ISCSC, USA.
  • Homerová, M. (2011). Výuka dĕjepisu a společenských vĕd novým způsobem? (Teaching history and social studies in a new way?). UCITELSKE NOVINY (Teachers' Weekly), 6 Sept., pp. 16-17.
  • Homerová, M. (Forthcoming). European States in the 2nd half of the 20 Century, textbook for Czech Secondary schools.
  • Homerová, M. (Forthcoming). History Teaching and Education for Citizenship, history didactics textbook.


Kiššová, Maria

  • Kiššová, M. (2008). Child's Postcolonial Experience in The Other Side of Truth by Beverly Naidoo. In Culture, text, identity. Nitra: Department of English and American Studies, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, p. 6.
  • Kiššová, M. (forthcoming). Ambiguity of political fiction for children - analysing Beverly Naidoo's Out of Bounds. Ambiguity Conference, Ružomberok: Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University in Ružomberok, June 24 - 26 2009.
  • Kiššová, M. & Hevešiová, S. (2008). Cultural Encounters in Contemporary Literature. The Faculty of Art, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra.
  • Kiššová, M., Smiešková, A. & Hevešiová, S. (2008). Multicultural Awareness - Reading Ethnic Writing. The Faculty of Art, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra.

Kuhn, Bärbel

  • Kuhn, B. (2010). Deutsche Zeitgeschichte in französischen Geschichtsschulbüchern. In S. Popp & M. Sauer (Ed.), Zeitgeschichte. Schriften zur Geschichtsdidaktik (pp. 133-147), Idstein.
  • Kuhn, B. (2010). Als eine Frau lesen lernte, trat die Frauenfrage in die Welt, Wiederauflage. In Frauenrechte, Bildung, Forschung, Geschichte. 20 Jahre Frauenbibliothek und Genderdokumentation im Saarland (pp.14-17), Saarbrücken.
  • Kuhn, B. (2010). The View of the Netherlands Presented in German History Books from 1947 to 2007. In Jahrbuch der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik 2010 (pp. 97-110), Schwalbach.
  • Kuhn, B. & Duhem, S. (Ed.) (2006). Grenzraum erfahren. Methoden, Themen und Materialien im bilingualen deutsch-französischen Geschichts- und Geographieunterricht. Saarbrücker Geographische Arbeiten 52, Saarbrücken.
  • Kuhn, B. (2006). Einleitung: Grenze in Wissenschaft und Unterricht. In: B. Kuhn & S. Duhem (Ed.), Grenzraum erfahren. Methoden, Themen und Materialien im bilingualen deutsch-französischen Geschichts- und Geographieunterricht. Saarbrücker Geographische Arbeiten 52 (pp. 9-15), Saarbrücken.
  • Kuhn, B. (2006). La bataille de Verdun dans les manuels scolaires allemands 1920 à 2005 - De l'héroïsme du soldat à l'horreur de la guerre. In 1916-2006. Verdun sous le regard du monde (pp. 285-308). sous la direction de Francois Cochet, Verdun.
  • Kuhn, B., Pitz, M. & Schorr, A. (Ed.). (2007) Grenzen ohne Fächergrenzen - Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen. Annales Universitatis Saraviensis. Philosophische Fakultäten, Band: 26, St. Ingbert.
  • Kuhn, B. (2007). Grenzerfahrungen. Die deutsch-französische Grenze im Saarraum im 19. Jahrhundert. In B. Schönemann & H. Voit (Ed.), Europa in historisch didaktischen Perspektiven (pp. 80-93). Idstein.
  • Kuhn, B. (2007). Frankreich und Deutschland in Europa und der Welt. Anmerkungen zum gemeinsamen deutschen und französischen Geschichtsbuch. In Geschichte lernen 116, pp. 61-62.
  • Kuhn, B. (2008). Historische Bildung als Welt- und Menschenkunde. In W. Hasberg & M. Seidenfuß (Ed.), Modernisierung im Umbruch. Geschichtsdidaktik und Geschichtsunterricht nach 1945 (pp. 361-376 ), Münster u.a. (Geschichtsdidaktik in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Bd. 6).
  • Kuhn, B. (Ed.) (2009). Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik, Jahresband 2009, Schwalbach.
  • Kuhn, B. (2009). Geschichte bilingual. Einführung in den Themenschwerpunkt. In Kuhn, B. (Ed.), Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik, Jahresband 2009, Schwalbach, pp. 6-11.
  • Kuhn, B. (2009). Warum nicht Europa? Erklärungsversuche für das französische "Nein" mit Hilfe von Schulgeschichtsbüchern (1998-2004). In unikate 34: Geisteswissenschaften - Europäische Kultur, pp. 60-69, also: www.kultur-macht-geschichte.de
  • Kuhn, B. (2009). Nah und fern - Die Niederlande in deutschen Geschichtsbüchern 1947 bis 2007. In nachbarsprache niederländisch, pp. 71-90.
  • Kuhn, B., Schmenk, H. & Windus, A. (Ed.) (2010). Weltgeschichtliche Perspektiven im Geschichtsunterricht, Fortbildung Geschichte 1. Historica et Didactica, St. Ingbert.
  • Kuhn, B. (forthcoming). Bilingualer Geschichtsunterricht. In M. Barricelli & M. Lücke (Ed.), Handbuch Praxis des Geschichtsunterrichts (Forum Historisches Lernen). Schwalbach/Ts.
  • Kuhn, B. (forthcoming). Eugène Delacroix: La liberté guidant le peuple. In S. Popp & M. Wobring (Ed.), Der europäische Bildersaal - Populäre Bilddokumente in europäischen Schulbüchern.
  • Kuhn, B. (forthcoming). Deutsche Zeitgeschichte in französischen Geschichtsschulbüchern. In S. Popp & M. Sauer (Ed.), Zeitgeschichte. Schriften zur Geschichtsdidaktik, Idstein.
  • Kuhn, B. Edition de Historica et Didactica, Schwerpunkt 1: Fortbildung Geschichte, Schwerpunkt 2: Forschung Geschichtsdidaktik


Makriyianni, Chara

  • Makriyianni, C. & Psaltis, C. (2007). History teaching and reconciliation. Cyprus Review.
  • Makriyianni, C. (2008). Museum Education and the Construction of National Identity in a Divided Country. In Y. Vella (Ed.), Transforming History Teaching - Transforming Society. Trends: Monograph Series in Education No. 4. Malta.
  • Makriyianni, C. (2005). Τα παιδιά του Νηπιαγωγείου στο Μουσείο: Ανεπανάληπτη εμπειρία ή χάσιμο χρόνου. In E. Papaleontiou-Louka (Ed.) Contemporary approaches for Kindergarten Programs. Athens: Dardanos (Kindergarten Children going to the Museum: An remarkable experience or a waste of time?).

Mikulasova, Alena (nee Feriancova)

  • Feriancova, A. (2006). The Question of Czechoslovak-German Arbitration Treaty at the Conference in Locarno. In Annales Universitatis Apulensis: Series Historica 10, 1, pp. 85-99.
  • Feriancova, A. (2009). Československá diplomacia a vstup Nemecka do Spoločnosti národov. In Moderní dějiny 17, 1, pp. 67-112.
  • Feriancova, A. (2009). Rokovania o československo-nemeckej arbitrážnej zmluve v kontexte príprav locarnskej konferencie. In Slovanský přehled 95, 2, pp. 179-210.
  • Feriancova, A. (2005). Československo-francúzska zmluva z januára 1924 a "odhalenie" jej tajného dodatku v nemeckých novinách. In Studia Historica Nitriensia 12, pp. 85-107.
  • Feriancova, A. (2009). List Gustava Stresemanna bývalému korunnému princovi - interpretačné možnosti dokumentu. In Prameň - jeho funkcia, význam, interpretácia a limity v historickom výskume. Nitra: UKF, pp. 171-181.

Musteata, Sergiu

  • Musteaţă, S., Caşu, I. (Ed.) (2011). Fără termen de prescripţie. Aspecte ale investigării crimelor comunismului în Europa [Without limitation period. Some aspects of investigation Communism crimes in Europe], Chişinău, Editura Cartier, Colecţia Cartier istoric.
  • Musteaţă, S., (2010). Educaţia istorică între discursul politic şi identitar în Republica Moldova [History education between political and identity discourse in the Republic of Moldova], Seria IDN, M3, Chişinău, Editura Pontos.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2010). Educaţia istorică - între discursul politic şi identitar în Republica Moldova, Seria IDN, M3, Chişinău, Editura Pontos. Musteaţă, S. (2008). Как составляются и анализируются школьные учебники, (How to write and analyse textbooks), Chişinău, Pontos.
  • Musteaţă, S. (Ed.) (2010). Predarea istoriei. Îndrumar metodic pentru profesori, Chişinău,Editura Pontos.
  • Musteaţă, S. (Ed.) (2006). Educaţia toleranţei şi cetăţeniei democratice prin intermediul istoriei. Pachet educaţional, (Education of the tolerance and democratic citizenship through history. Educational Package), Chişinău: Cartdidact.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2009). Unele consideraţii pe marginea noului proiect de Curriculum la disciplina Educaţie Civică pentru clasele a I-a - a XII-a elaborat de către Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei al Ministerului Educaţiei. In Alternativa XXI. Buletin de Educaţie Civică nr. 1 (24), pp. 5-6.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2009). Adevărul despre manualele de istorie integrată. In Destin Româneasc S.N., An IV (XV), nr. 4 (62), pp. 7-21.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2009). Marea Unire din 1918 în manualele şcolare din Republica Moldova. Studiu de caz: clasele a IV-a, a VIII-a şi a IX-a. In A. Viţalaru & I. Ghercă Munteanu (Ed.), Secvenţe din trecut: Studii de istorie şi de relaţii internaţionale (pp. 95-131). Iaşi: Editura Performantica.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2009). The history textbooks and social conflicts in the Republic of Modlova. In amudarya.net/fileadmin/_amudarya/bs/sm.pdf (postat pe data de 24.07.2009).
  • Musteaţă, S. (2009). Predarea istoriei în şcolile din regiunea separatistă nistreană. In A. Galben & G. Postică (Ed.), Probleme actuale de istorie naţională. Studii în onoarea profesorului Pavel Parasca (pp. 335-345). Chişinău.
  • Musteaţă, S. et al. (2009). Chestionar: Semnificaţii politice ale sărbătoririi de către autorităţile comuniste din Republica Moldova a 650 ani de "statalitate moldovenească". In Destin Românesc S.N., An IV (XV), nr. 1 (59), pp. 51-52.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2008). Review. Stefan Ihrig, Vasile Dumbrava, Dietmar Müller & Igor Şarov (Ed.), Istoria între ştiinţă şi şcoală - perioada interbelică în Basarabia. Studii, materiale, surse şi sugestii, Chişinău: Georg-Eckert Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung, Moldova-Institut Leipzig, Editura Cartdidact. In Pontes 5, pp. 288-295.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2008). Review. Stefan Ihrig, Wer sind die Moldawier? Rumänismus versus Moldo¬wanismus in Historiographie und Schulbüchern der Republik Moldova, 1991-2006, Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2008, pp. 296-299. In Destin Românesc S.N., AN IV (XV), NR. 3 (61), pp. 156-162. In Pontes 5, pp. 296-299.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2008). National Identity between History Teaching and Politics: Moldova (2001-2007). In M. Heintz (Ed.), Weak State, Uncertain Citizenship: Moldova, Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel (pp. 127-148). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2008). Education Reform in the Republic of Moldova: Qua Vadis?. In Buletinul Universităţii Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti, seria Ştiinţe Socio-Umane şi Juridice, nr. 1, pp. 91-104.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2007). Geschichtslehrbücher zwischen politischer Propaganda, nationalstischen Konstruktionen und Wissenschaft. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung des Schulfaches Geschichte in den post-totalitären Staaten Südosteuropas am Beispiel der Republik Moldau, der Ukraine und Rumänien. In Eckert. Das Bulletin, Nr. 02, Winter, pp. 100-102.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2007). Identitatea naţionala între istorie şi politică: un studiu de caz Republica Moldova (2001-2005) (National identity between history and politics: a case study of the Republic of Moldova (2001-2005). In M. Heintz, (Ed.), Stat slab, cetăţenie incertă. Studii despre Republica Moldova (pp. 175-190). Bucureşti: Curtea Veche.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2007). Învăţământul istoric din Republica Moldova şi implicarea Consiliului Europei (History teaching in the Republic of Moldova and implication of the Council of Europe). In Magazin Istoric, număr special, Basarabia, pp. 83-86.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2007). Analiza internaţională a manualelor şcolare, (The international analysing of the textbooks). In Revista Didactica Pro, 1-2 (41-42), pp. 33-37.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2006). Predarea istoriei în Europa la începutul secolului XXI (History teaching in Europe at the beginning of 21st Century). In Cugetul 2 (30), pp. 61-66.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2005). Situaţia învăţământului istoric preuniversitar din Republica Moldova (2001-2004) (School history teaching in the Republic of Moldova 2001-2004). In Buletinul Universităţii Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti, vol. LVII, seria Stiinte Socio-Umane şi Juridice, nr.2, pp. 217-223.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2005). Predarea istoriei în Republica Moldova. Între reformă şi antireformă (History teaching in the Republic of Moldova. Between reform and antireform). In Iu. Oncescu & S. Miloiu (Eds.), Istoria: Contribuţii în căutarea unui nou mesaj. Profesorului Ion Stanciu la împlinirea vârstei de 60 de ani (pp. 376-392). Târgovişte.
  • Musteaţă, S. (coauthor) (2004). We and our neighbours. The majority and the minorities in the recent history textbooks in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. With a case study: Republic of Moldova, Bucharest, www.minorities-in-textbooks.com
  • Musteaţă, S. (coauthor) (2004). The student charter: an example of good practice from Moldova. In S. Bergan (Ed.), The university as res publica (pp. 129-169). Council of Europe Publishing.
  • Musteaţă, S. (coauthor) (2004). The Black Sea. A History of Interaction, Council of Europe.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2004). Moldova, country report. In A. Ecker (Ed.), The structures and standards of initial training for history teachers in South-East Europe (pp. 121-135). Council of Europe.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2003). Realizări şi perspective: Învăţămîntul istoric preuniversitar din Republica Moldova (Realizations and Perspectives: School History Teaching in Republic of Moldova). In "DOSARELE ISTORIEI", an. VIII, nr. 5 (81), Bucharest, pp. 10-15.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2002). Curriculumul Naţional şi Manualele de Istorie din Republica Moldova: Realizări şi Perspective. Studiu de caz: ciclul liceal Istoria Românilor (clasele X - XII) (National History Curricula and Textbooks in Republic of Moldova: Realizations and Perspectives). In "DIDACTICA PRO". Revista de Teorie şi Practică Educaţională, Chişinău, nr. 3 (13), iunie, pp. 65-69.
  • Musteaţă, S. (2002). Reflectarea istoriei, culturii şi civilizaţiei greceşti în manualele de istorie din Republica Moldova, (Studiu de caz: manualele de istoria românilor, clasele X-XII) (Greek History, Culture and Civilization in history textbooks from Republic of Moldova. Study case: History of Romanians Textbook, grades 10-12), Rezumatele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale Raporturile moldo - greceşti: probleme şi perspective, Chişinău, 22-24 octombrie 2002, pp.27-29 (Romanian version), pp. 146-147 (English version).


Pingel, Falk

  • Pingel, F. (2010). UNESCO Guidebook on International Textbook Research and Textbook Revision. 2nd rev. ed., Braunschweig/Paris: Georg Eckert Institute/UNESCO (the first edition, 1999, is also available in French, Turkish, Croatian and Albanian language).
  • Pingel, F. (Ed.) (2003). Contested Past, Disputed Present. Curricula and Teaching in Israeli and Palestinian Schools. Hannover: Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Pingel, F. (Ed) (2003). Insegnare l'Europa. Concettti e rappresentazioni nei libri di testo europei. Torino: Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli.
  • Pingel, F . (2000). The European home: representations of 20th century Europe in history textbooks. Strasbourg: Council of Europe (French edition.: La maison européenne: représentations de l'Europe du 20e siècle dans les manuels d'histoire).
  • Pingel, F. (Ed.) (1995). Macht Europa Schule? Die Darstellung Europas in Schulbüchern der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Frankfurt/M.: Diesterweg (Italian edition: L'immagine dell'Europa nei manuali scolastici di Germania, Francia, Spagna, Gran Bretagna e Italia. Torino: Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 1994).
  • Pingel, F. (2010). Social life in an unsocial environment: the inmates' struggle for survival. In J. Caplan & N. Wachsmann (Ed.), Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany (pp. 58-81). London: Routledge.
  • Pingel, F. (2009). From Ownership to Intervention - or Vice Versa? Textbook Revision in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In A. Dimou (Ed.), "Transition" and the Politics of History Education in Southeastern Europe (pp. 251-305). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
  • Pingel, F. (2008). Can Truth Be Negotiated? History Textbook Revision as a Means to Reconciliation. The Politics of History in Comparative Perspective [special issue]. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 617, No. 1, ppp. 181-198.
  • Pingel, F. (2002). Unterricht über den Holocaust - eine kritische Bewertung der aktuellen pädagogischen Diskussion. In E. Fuchs et al. (Ed.), Holocaust und Nationalsozialismus. Wien (pp. 11-23). (Engl. edition (2001). Teaching the Holocaust in its own right - A reassessment of current pedagogical orientations. In Teaching the Holocaust and National Socialism [special issue]. Beiträge zur historischen Sozialkunde pp. 3-10).

Popp, Susanne

  • Popp, S. (2010). Visualisierte Geschichte in den Lehrwerken Europas. Zwischen polysemantischen Vermittlungsstrategien und kanonischer Einführung. In M. Gehler & S. Vietta (Ed.), Europa - Europäisierung - Europäistik: Neue wissenschaftliche Ansätze, Methoden und Inhalte (pp. 337-352), Wien, Köln, Weimar.
  • Popp, S. (2009). National Textbook Controversies in a Globalizing World. In Internationale Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik. International Society for History Didactics - Société internationale pour la didactique de l'histoire (Ed.), jahrbuch - yearbook - annales 2008/09 (Bd. 29/30). History Teaching in the Crossfire of Political Interests - Geschichtsunterricht im politischen Kreuzfeuer - L'einseignement de l'histoire sous les feux croises de la politique (pp. 109-122). Schwalbach/Ts.
  • Popp, S. (Ed.) (2009). jahrbuch - yearbook - annales 2008/09 (Bd. 29/30). History Teaching in the Crossfire of Political Interests - Geschichtsunterricht im politischen Kreuzfeuer - L'einseignement de l'histoire sous les feux croises de la politique. Internationale Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik. International Society for History Didactics. Société internationale pour la didactique de l'histoire, Schwalbach/Ts.
  • Popp, S. (2009). Historische Bildung und Kompetenzmodelle. Überlegungen zu einer aktuellen Debatte. In S. Popp & B. Schönemann (Ed.), Historische Kompetenzen und Museen (pp. 24-37). Idstein.
  • Popp, S. & Schönemann B. (Ed.) (2009). Historische Kompetenzen und Museen. Idstein.
  • Popp, S. & Röder D. (2008). Constructing Macro Perspectives - a Feasible Way to Introduce World and Global History Perspectives into German History Classrooms?. In S. Popp (Ed.), jahrbuch - yearbook - annales 2006/07 (pp. 73-89). Internationale Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik. International Society for History Didactics. Société internationale pour la didactique de l'histoire, Schwalbach/Ts.
  • Popp, S. (Ed.) (2008). jahrbuch - yearbook - annales 2006/07. Internationale Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik. International Society for History Didactics. Société internationale pour la didactique de l'histoire, Schwalbach/Ts.
  • Popp, S. & Forster, J. (Ed.) (2008). Curriculum Weltgeschichte. Globale Zugänge für den Geschichtsunterricht, 2. Auflage. Schwalbach /Ts.
  • Popp, S. (2007). Europaweit gemeinsame Bilder? Anmerkungen zu europaweiten Präferenzen im Bildinventar aktueller Schulbücher. In B. Schönemann & H. Voit (Ed.), Europa in historisch-didaktischen Perspektiven (pp. 210-234), Idstein.
  • Popp, S. (2007). Die populärsten Historienbilder und Fotografien in den aktuellen Geschichtsbüchern Europas - Geschichtsdidaktische Erläuterungen und Überlegungen. In Informationen für den Geschichts- und Gemeinschaftskundelehrer, Schwerpunkt: "Europäische Identität?", 41, 73, pp. 14-22.
  • Popp, S. (2007). L'image du Maroc dans les récits de yoyage allemands de 1880 à 1915. In M. Hassani Idrissi (Ed.), L'enseignement de l'histoire comme dialogue interculturel. Numéro spécial de: Horizons universitaires. Revue scientifique de l'Université Mohammed V Souissi 3, No 4, pp. 125-140.
  • Popp, S. (2006). Stichwort "Euro(pa)zentrismus". In U. Mayer et al. (Ed.), Wörterbuch Geschichtsdidaktik (pp. 56-57). Schwalbach / Ts.
  • Popp, S. (2006). Stichwort "Weltgeschichte". In U. Mayer et al. (Ed.), Wörterbuch Geschichtsdidaktik (p. 181). Schwalbach / Ts.
  • Popp, S. (Ed.) (2006). jahrbuch - yearbook - annales 2005. Internationale Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik. International Society for History Didactics. Société internationale pour la didactique de l'histoire, Schwalbach/Ts.
  • Popp, S. (2006). Integrating World History Perspectives into a National Curriculum: A Feasible Way to Foster Globally Oriented Historical Consciousness in German Classrooms?. In: World History Connected 3, July, No 3.
  • Popp, S., Erdmann, E. & Maier, R. (Ed.) (2006). Geschichtsunterricht international - Bestandsaufnahme und Visionen. Worldwide Teaching of History - Present and Future. L'enseignement de l'histoire dans le monde - Bilan et visions, Hannover (Studien zur internationalen Schulbuchforschung, Schriftenreihe des Georg-Eckert-Instituts, Bd. 117).
  • Popp, S. (2006). Geschichtliches Überblickswissen aufbauen - ein konzentrisch-longitudinales Geschichtscurriculum aus den Niederlanden. In E. Erdmann, R. Maier & S. Popp (Ed.), Geschichtsunterricht international - Bestandsaufnahme und Visionen. Worldwide Teaching of History - Present and Future. L'enseignement de l'histoire dans le monde - Bilan et visions (pp. 269-300). Hannover (Studien zur internationalen Schulbuchforschung, Schriftenreihe des Georg-Eckert-Instituts, Bd. 117).
  • Popp, S. (2006). Illustrationen in NS-Fibeln - mit Ausblicken auf die faschistische Einheitsfibel in Italien und zwei Fibeln aus der Zeit der spanischen Diktatur. In G. Teistler (Ed.), Lesen lernen in Diktaturen der 1930er und 1940er Jahre: Fibeln in Deutschland, Italien und Spanien (pp. 227-251). Hannover (Studien zur internationalen Schulbuchforschung, Schriftenreihe des Georg-Eckert-Instituts, Bd. 116).
  • Popp, S. (2005). "... the examination of local phenomena from a global point of view ...". Didaktische Potenziale welt- und globalgeschichtlicher Perspektiven für das historische Lernen. In handlung kultur interpretation. Zeitschrift für Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften 14, H. 2, pp. 343-363.
  • Popp, S. (2005). World history for children and young readers. Basic concepts of child-centred world histories from Schlözer, Wells, Nehru, up to a current German example [26 paragraphs]. In Transactions and Proceedings of the XXth Congress of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH), held in Sydney July 2005. AIO 26: International Society for History Didactics (ISHD), Section II: Teaching and learning world history - the global challenge (Chairman: Luigi Cajani, Rome). In CISH Sydney 2005 CD Rom. (http://www.incompass.com.au/cish/program.asp?lang=EN&sub=0131)
  • Popp, S. (2005). Welt- und globalgeschichtliche Perspektivierung des historischen Lernens. In GWU 56, H. 9, pp. 491-507.
  • Popp, S. (2005). Orientierungshorizonte erweitern - welt- und globalgeschichtliche Perspektiven im Geschichtsunterricht. Überlegungen im Kontext der Entwicklung von Bildungsstandards für das Fach Geschichte. In Informationen für den Geschichts- und Gemeinschaftskundelehrer, Schwerpunkt: "Weltgeschichte im Zeitalter der Globalisierung", 39, H. 69, pp. 27-49.


Raudsepp, Anu

  • Raudsepp A., Sepp, M., Järs, A., Tammela, H. & Keerdo, J. (2010). Esemelised allikad ajalootunnis. [Objects as sources in history lesson. History in School lessons 6.] Tartu: Raudpats.
  • Raudsepp, A. (2009). Lõssenkism ja Tartu Ülikooli bioloogiaosakond stalinismi ajal. [Lysenkoism and the Department of Biology of Tartu University in the period of Stalinism] In: Ajalooline Ajakiri, pp.179 - 196.
  • Raudsepp, A., Pajur A. & Hiiemaa, K. (2009). Majandusteemad ajalootunnis. [Economic in history lesson. History in School lessons 5.] Tartu: Raudpats.
  • Raudsepp, A. (2008). Eesti hariduspoliitika nõukogude ajal (1944-1991). In: Oja, M. (Ed.), Eesti Vabariik 90. Konverentsi kogumik, Pärnu, 27.-28. august 2008 (pp. 68 - 72). Eesti Vabariigi Haridusministeerium.
  • Raudsepp, A., Nagel, M. & Allabert, A . (2008). Mängud ajalootunnis. [The games in history lesson. History in Schools lessons 4.] Tartu: Raudpats. Raudsepp, A., Pajur, A., Tannberg, T. & Hallik, T . (2008). Sõjad ja konfliktid. [The wars and conflicts. History in School lessons 3]. Tartu: Raudpats.
  • Raudsepp, A. (2008). Befragung von Zeitzeugen als Ergänzung der Textquellenarbeit. Ein Beitrag zur Förderung von Geschichtsbewusstsein im Unterricht. In: Yearbook International Society for Didactics of History, Wochenschau Verlag, pp. 91-98.
  • Raudsepp, A., Luisk, Ü., Hiiemaa, K. & Pajur, A. (2007). Ajalookaardid. [Historical maps].Tartu: Raudpats. Raudsepp, A. (2006). Ajaloo õpetamise metoodika käsiraamat [Handbook of the methods of teaching history. History in School lessons 1.]. Tartu: Raudpats.
  • Raudsepp, Anu (2005). Ajaloo õpetamise korraldus Eesti NSV eesti õppekeelega üldhariduskoolides 1944-1985. [The Organisation of history teaching in Estonian-speaking Schools in Estonian SSR in 1944-1985], Tartu Ülikool, Filosoofiateaduskond. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
  • Oja, M. & Raudsepp, A. (2003). Estonia. In A.Ecker (Ed.), Initial training for history teachers: Structures and standards in 13 member states of the Council of Europe (pp. 171 - 177). Council of Europe Publishers.
  • Raudsepp, A. (1999). Juutide haridusoludest Venemaal. Eestist pärit esimesi juuditare Tartu Ülikoolis [The Jewish educational conditions in imperial Russia. The first Jewish female Students from Estonia in University of Tartu]. In S. Tamul. (Ed.), Vita academica, vita feminea: artiklite kogumik (pp. 201 - 212). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
  • Raudsepp, A. (1998). Das Rigaer Geistliche Seminar (1846-1918) in der estnischen Kulturgeschichte. In K. Maier (Ed.), Konfession und Nationalismus in Ostmitteleuropa: Kirchen und Glaubensgemeinschaften im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (pp. 497 - 532). Lüneburg: Verlag Norddeutsches Kulturwerk.
  • Raudsepp, A. (1998). Riia Vaimulik Seminar 1846-1918. [Riga Theological Seminary 1846-1918]. Tartu: Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum.

Rihter, Andreja

  • Rihter, A. Kregar, T., Počivavšek, M., Roženbergar Šega T. & Zazošek, I. (2000). Živeti v Celju: predstavitev projekta - od ideje do realizacije. Argo, Vol. 43, No 2, pp. 67-68.
  • Rihter, A. (2002). Varovanje kulturne dediščine je nacionalnega pomena. Glas. Unesco. (Slov. izd.). [Slovene ed.], March, Vol. 32 [i. e. 23], No 69 [i. e. 71], pp. 1-2.
  • Rihter, A. (2000). Iz dnevnika vodje projekta: začetek in konec: [kratka kronologija od nastanka zamisli, oblikovanja projektne skupine, scenarija in odprtja razstave Živeti v Celju, kot jo je v svojem dnevniku zapisala avtorica]. Argo, Vol. 43, No 2, pp. 71-78.
  • Rihter, A. (2003). Več svobode za misel. Znamenje, Vol. 33, No 3/4, p. 4.
  • Rihter, A. (2008). Slovensko meščanstvo. In J. Dežman, J. Hudales & B. Jezernik (Ed.), Slovensko meščanstvo: od vzpona nacije do nacionalizacije (1848-1948) (pp. 157-166). Klagenfurt: Mohorjeva.
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Ruman, Ladislav

  • Ruman, L. (2001). Poľsko v "tieni" Piłsudského. Poľsko od májového prevratu 1926 do prijatia aprílovej ústavy v roku 1935, UKF Nitra, Nitra.
  • Ruman, L. (1998). Poľsko po stránke geografickej, národnostnej a ekonomickej v prvých rokoch existencie. In Studia historica Nitriensia VII., Nitra, pp. 200-227.
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  • Ruman, L., Slenková, V. (2003). Aplikácia "Benešových dekrétov" na Slovensku. Dokumenty. In Studia Historica Nitriensia, XI., pp. 363-398.
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  • Ruman, L. (2004). Politický systém v Československu v rokoch 1918-1938. Pokus o komparáciu s Poľskom. In Dwa państwa - trzy narody. Ustroje polityczne Polski i Czechosłowacji / 1918 - 1939. Varšava, pp. 9-19.


Sánchez Agustí, María

  • Sánchez Agustí, M., González Gallego, I. & Muñoz, C. (2010). Estudio de las transiciones dictadura-democracia. Formación ciudadana y competencias de Historia en el mundo escolar español y chileno. In Ávila, R. et al /Ed.), Metodología de investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales Institución Fernando el Católico. Zaragoza.
  • Sánchez Agustí, M. & Pereira Liberato, J. A. (2009). La dimensión europea de ciudadanía. Una perspectiva a través de lo que sienten y piensan los adolescentes portugueses. In La educazione alla cittadinanza europea y la formación degli insignanti. Patron Ed. Bolonia, pp. 93-101.
  • Sánchez Agustí, M., Blanco, P., de la Calle, M., Fernández Rubio, C., Molero, B. & Ortega, D. (2007). Un marco competencial acorde con el EEES. Una propuesta para la titulación de Maestro de E. Primaria desde la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. In R. M. Ávila et al. (Ed.), Las competencias profesionales para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales ante el reto europeo y la globalización (pp.115-129). AUPDCS, Bilbao.
  • Sánchez Agustí, M., Blanco, P., de la Calle, M., Fernández Rubio, C., Molero, B. & Ortega, D. (2006). Propuesta de programa para la materia Enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales del título de Maestro de Educación Primaria en consonancia con el EEES. In C. Rodríguez Sumaza (Ed.), La innovación docente ante el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (pp. 321-335). Universidad de Valladolid.
  • Sánchez Agustí, M. (2006). Enseñar Historia desde el tiempo de larga duración. Iber. Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia. Nº 50., pp. 99-107.
  • Sánchez Agustí, M. (2004). Redefinir la historia que se enseña a la luz de las TIC: un análisis sobre nuevas maneras de aprender Roma. In I. Vera, D. Pérez (Ed.), Formación de la ciudadanía: las TIC y los nuevos problemas (pp. 217-237). AUPDCS, Alicante.
  • Sánchez Agustí, M., Estepa, J. & de la Calle, M. (Ed.) (2002). Nuevos horizontes en la formación del profesorado de Ciencias Sociales. E.S.L.A, Madrid.
  • Sánchez Agustí, María (2002). Los retablos como recurso para enseñar Historia en edades tempranas. Una aproximación a la vida cotidiana en la época de los Reyes Católicos. In I. González Gallego (Ed.), La Geografía y la Historia, elementos del Medio (pp. 279-320). Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Madrid.


Van Looy, Linda

  • Van Looy, L., Denyer, M., Declerck, J.-F. & Vernaillen, L. (2003). Pour un enseignement actif et communicatif de la civilisation d'expression française: apprendre par des cercles d'apprentissage, Enjeux. Revue de didactique du français, no. 57, Septembre, pp. 183-196.
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  • Van Looy, L., Meeus, W., van Petegem, P. & Meijer, J. (2007). Portfolio as a means of promoting autonomous learning: a quasi-experimental study, Symposium with book of abstracts, EARLI 2007 Conference, Hungary.
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Veldhuis-Meester, Ineke

  • Veldhuis-Meester, I. & van Leersum, A. (1999). Pedagogie en didactiek, Reacties op het inspectierapport over de eerste vijf jaar basisvorming. In Kleio, jrg 40, 1, pp. 24-26.
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  • Veldhuis-Meester, I. (2007). Multicultural communication and teaching history. In The Bulgarian Magazine for History Teachers, 16-17, pp. 5-13.

Vella, Yosanne

  • Vella, Y. (1997). Nationalism in School History: A Survey of History Teachers' Views in England and Malta. UK History Teacher Educators' Network, Oxford.
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  • Vella, Y. (2010). Artefacts in History Education. In The British Historical Association. Primary History, Issue 54, Spring.
  • Vella, Y. (2010). Extending Primary Children's Thinking through the use of Artefacts. Republished Primary History Issue 54, Spring.

Verbytska, Polina

  • Verbytska, P. (2009). Civic Education of School Youth: Modern Aspects of Development. Кyiv: Geneza.
  • Verbytska, P. (2008). Civic Education of School Youth in Modern Conditions: Problems and Challenges. In M. Poplavs'kyi (Ed.), Herald of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series "Pedagogy: collection of scientific works, Issue 19. Kyiv. pp. 8-16.
  • Verbytska, P. (2008). Historic Retrospective of the Development of Idea of Individual's Civility as a Factor of Democratic Society Development. In M. Martyniuk (Ed.), Uman' State Pedagogical University named after P.Tychyna: collection of scientific works in two parts, Part 1 (pp. 44-52). Uman.
  • Verbytska, P. (2009). Methodological Principles of Individual's Civic Education. In H. Tereshchuk (Ed.), Scientific Notes of Ternopil' National Pedagogical University named after V.Hnatiuk. Series "Pedagogy": collection of scientific works, № 1 (pp. 47-52). Ternopil.
  • Verbytska, P. (2008). The Main Approaches to Civic Education Organization in European Countries. In M. Shkil (Ed.), Scientific Notes. Series "Pedagogical and Historical Sciences" Issue. LXXIII (73) (pp. 53-63). Кyiv: National Pedagogical University named after M.Drahomanov.
  • Verbytska, P. (2009). The Concept of Civil Society in the Context of Individual's Civic Education. In M. Shkil (Ed.), Scientific Notes. Series "Pedagogical and Historical Sciences" Issue. LXXX (80) (pp. 31-42). Кyiv: National Pedagogical University named after M.Drahomanov.
  • Verbytska, P. (2007). History Education as an Important Means of Forming Individual's Democratic Values. In K. Bakhanov (Ed.), Conceptual principles of modern school history education: collection of documents and scientific works (pp. 193-197). State Pedagogical University; Pedagogy Institute of the Pedagogical Sciences Academy of Ukraine. Berdiansk.
  • Verbytska, P. (2007). Competence Approach as a Priority Direction of Preparing University Students for Professional Activity in the Conditions of Information Society. In State and the Army: Herald of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic": collection of scientific works, № 584 (pp. 178-184). Lviv: Publishing House of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic".
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  • Verbytska, P. (2005). Potential of History for the Civic Education in Ukrainian Universities. In Dialogue in History, № 12. Bulgaria: Sofia, pp. 33-42.
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Virta, Arja

  • Virta, A. (2008). Kenen historiaa monikulttuurisessa koulussa. Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia 39. Turku: Suomen Kasvatustieteellinen seura. [Whose history? Teaching history in culturally diverse schools].
  • Virta, A., Kaartinen, V. & Eloranta V. (2001). Oppiaineen vai oppilaiden opettajaksi. Aineenopettajan sosialisaatio peruskoulutuksen aikana. Turun yliopiston kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan julkaisuja A:196. [Becoming a subject teacher or students' teacher? Subject-specific teachers' socialization during their initial education].
  • Virta, A. (1999). Uudistuva oppimisen arviointi. Mahdollisuuksia ja varauksia. Turun yliopis¬ton kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, Julkaisusarja B: 65. [New currents in assessing student learning. Opportunities and reservations].
  • Virta, A., Kaartinen, V., Eloranta, V. & Nieminen, M. (1998). Aineenopettaja ammatiksi opiskelijan kasvun ja kehityksen tarkastelua. Turun yliopiston kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan julkaisusarja A: 184. [Subject matter teacher as a profession - observations of teacher growth and education].
  • Virta, A. (1998). Pedagogiikkaa ja etujen vartiointia. Historian ja yhteiskuntaopin opettajien liitto HYOL r.y. 1948-1998. Historian ja yhteiskuntaopin opettajien vuosikirja XXV. Kajaani: HYOL ry. [Pedagogy and Supervision of Interests. The History of the Society of History and Social Studies Teachers, 1948-1998].
  • Virta, A. (1995). Abiturientin historian ja yhteiskuntaopin tieto. Reaalikoe¬vastaukset oppilai¬den tiedonrakenteiden ja tiedon laadun ilmentäjinä. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja C: 112. Turku. [Upper secondary school graduates' knowledge structures of history and society. Realia answers illustrating students' knowledge structures and quality of knowledge] [doctoral dissertation in educational studies; PhD thesis in educational studies].
  • Virta, A. (2010). Empirical Research on Historical Learning and Thinking in Finland. Overview of Empirical Studies. In Internationale Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik. Empirical Research on History Learning (Ed.), Jahrbuch/ Yearbook / Annales (pp. 11-24).
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  • Virta, A. (2009). Learning to Teach History in Culturally Diverse Classrooms. In Intercultural Education, 2009:4, pp. 285-297.
  • Virta, A. (2009). Students' Conceptions of Historical Significance. In P. Cunningham (Ed.), Human Rights and Citizenship Education. Proceedings of the eleventh Conference of the Childrens Identity and Citizenship in Europe Thematic Network Malmö 2009 (pp. 282-287). CiCe: London. file:///E|/pdfs/2009_282.pdf.
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